Sunday, October 31, 2010

Finally Halloween!!!

This year we didn't trick-or-treat, we handed out the treats. This year I had them hand out their Halloween candy that they accumulated over these past couple days and small decks of cards with disney characters on them. We had so much fun dancing around to our Halloween CD that someone "Boo'd" us with in between handing out the goodies. Spiderman is here to save the day!!!These two cute people were such good 'passer-outers". Tinkerbell!!!! a costume that is way too small for her, but she was proud because she dressed herself. Go Rylee!Jon was at work again and we missed you again! WE LOVE YOU!


Kelly Evanson said...

fun fun. it was a bummer that halloween was on a sunday this year! my 6 year old broke his arm that day too so we spent the night in the ER! a halloween we'll never forget!!