Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bishops Pumpkin Farm

After gymnastics we ventured out to Wheatland to this pumpkin farm. There are so many things to do and see. The kids had a great time. Jon had just gotten off work so he was a little lacking for energy, but the kids made up for it.There was also bales of hay for the kids to play in and a play structure shaped like a train.Rubber ducky racing?Train! We also took a miniature train ride around the whole farm and tasted pumpkin butter and fresh pressed cold cider, which tastes like you are biting into an apple.Old Tractors everywhere.It doesn't look like she minds being behind bars.Petting and brushing the animals.Taylee is a super trooper, easy going as can be.Hum, where is that perfect pumpkin?What a long day. Time to go home.