Saturday, July 10, 2010

Random Fun

Today Jon got to open his new camera and test it out. I love the "panty man, he's just the cutest little panty man". My mom used to sing that to my brother Tom when he was little. Brody reminds us a lot of Uncle Tom.Beautiful.Handsome.And sweet.Water man!She's getting big so fast! Time started flying by as soon as Brody was born. Life needs to slow down. I'm lovin' the fat rolls baby cakes!Aimee and her girls met up with Rylee, Brody, Oma and I at the Folsom High School theater to watch a Cinderella play. It as very good and the girls loved it! They came over afterwards for Mongolian and water fun to cool off from the 100 degree weather, yuck! They were so cute doing a 3-way sharing with their drumsticks. You can see Rebekah, Rylee and Leah who is behind Rylee.I love this picture for Emily's saggy butt bathing suit, and Rebekah and Rylee laying on the hot cement to warm themselves. Silly girls.And we can't forget Leah.