Monday, October 27, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

I know, it's a couple days to Halloween and we still haven't gotten our pumpkins to carve. Time is just slipping away so quickly.We finally visited the pumpkin patch in Folsom, which happens to be the last farm in Folsom. Since we were so late going, there were just a few big ones left.Rylee helped Jon pick out the big pumpkin for carving and she chose 4 small pumpkins, one for each of us.We walked through the corn stalks......indian tipi's......saw covered wagons......old tractors......goats, and 2 cows.I should have taken a picture of their "long neck gourds". They truly were long necks. Some were 3 feet tall!I had to look up gourds and this is what I found: they are of the pumpkin family and are native to Africa, Gourds can be used as a number of things, including bowls or bottles. Gourds are also used as resonating chambers on certain musical instruments. Generally, gourds are used more for utilitarian uses than for food.It is amazing how much Rylee has grown mentally since being in Joy School. She has a wonderful thought process of her own. She is not just repeating things anymore. She has moved up and is articulating! It's amazing some of things that come out of her mouth...all good, of course!!!In all seriousness, she is so loving, kind and thoughtful of others. She's full of please's, thankyou's, and lots of hugs and kisses. Brody is crusing furniture and loves the fast mobility of crawling...oh, and he always has a smile on his face! We love you both!!