Friday, August 1, 2008

Mariposa Fire Pictures

Here are some pictures from the Strike Team Jon went on to the Mariposa fires down in Yosemite. He ended up being gone for a total of 7 days and came back home in one piece. Luckily his assignment was structure protection and staged at a house. He never even saw one flame. In one breath Jon said that it would have been nice to see some more action, but in the next breath was grateful that he wasn't in the action because of how dangerous it is. Jon said that the scenery was picturesque even though there was a blanket of haze over everything. Welcome home LOVER!

Entering Yosemite.A picture with Crew Engine 26. Half Dome is in the back, but too hazy to see.Now can you see Half Dome?Oh there it is! Beautiful.Here is a helicopter drawing water out of the river to dump on the fires.This is the crew staging at a house staring at the smoke out in the distance.These are their sleeping arrangements while on duty. Cots and a very small tent.Here is where they washed up in the morning.Hungry MEN! The long line for food.Metro Engines 42 & 26.Here are a small fraction of the Engines, Water Tenders and Grass Rigs that responded.Thanks for all your hard work!