Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's over...for now.

I feel like a big burden has been lifted as of yesterday. Jon, for now, has his head out of the books and back in the family. It seems as if he has been gone for quite sometime, probably because we hardly saw him even when we was not at work. Since he's at work these next 48 hours and I know he will read this; I wanted to tell him how much we appreciate all of his hardwork and the sacrifices he has made for our growing family. I know it's not easy to put yourself aside for us, but we want you to know how much we love you for it. Oh, and thanks again to the Gowdy's (last minute) for a short night of babysitting while Jon and I had dinner alone!!! It has been far too long for one-on-one time for us.


aly said...

yeah!!! Congratulations! It was fun watching Rylee and Brody. I'll watch them anytime. . .