Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday Stroll

It was nice to have Jon's Engineer's written test out of the way. By the way, HE PASSED!!! Congrats Jon!!! It was weird for him to be home with us and not have his face buried in a book. Now he is eligible to take the hands on portion consisting of pumping and driving the engine, which is set for Tuesday the 8th. Since it was sunday and it was such a gorgeous day, we decided to go for a walk along a hiking/biking trail that started at Brown's Ravine. I had Brody on my front and Jon had Rylee on his back!!! Both Jon and I were sweating our brains out. We decided to deviate from the path and head down to the water front where we skipped rocks. Rylee had a blast and almost fell in the water. Brody was such a trooper just hanging out awake, as usual! By the way, yes, I did cut my hair.


Angie said...

Cute family, Kim! Your little guy is so adorable! Aren't babies so much fun! I miss having one in my family! I love your haircut!!

Gowdies said...

Where's the Moby wrap? Ha, Ha! It is really pretty where you are walking! You'll have to tell me how to get there.

Leah said...

Your cut look fantastic!!! Kids are so cute. I love that you guys get out and do things....great family