Friday, August 23, 2013

Tom & Alba's Sealing

Uncle Tom and Auntie Alba got married on March 17, 2012 at Oma's house with an intimate crowd and beautiful decor. Even the late G-poppa (Robert Little, Oma's dad) was there, which was the last time we saw him before he passed about 8 months or so later. Today was Tom and Alba's sealing in the Oakland Temple.  This was the first sealing I have ever attended and it was wonderful to say the least. Renee and I shed tender tears together as we held each other in the sealing room watching the ceremony take place. The temple is a wonderful place. It truly is a place of peace and calm. Clarity seems to come like it is something obvious that you've always known whether it be something that is right, or good, or true, or just something that you need to be working on or doing better with or paying more attention to, etc.  It's funny how you can step out of the temple and so easily forget those feelings or inspiration that was felt or revealed to you. I understand the need for constant temple attendance because the temporal world so easily helps you to forget the spiritual and teach that they are separate and disconnected. Not true, the temporal and spiritual are one and connected; not separate. I'm very grateful for Tom and Alba's example to me and my family. Today was also Auntie Aimee's birthday and she was having a hard day because it was so full. She is amazing and has so many things on her plate. Life is hard balance when you are good at so many things; people expect and ask for more from you than others. I'm grateful that the family could all be there to show their support and love for them. I love my family more and more everyday, which is not to say that we don't have hard times because we do. But it's very different when the general graphical curve tends to be upward. Someday we will be an eternal family, when the time is right. Until then everyday I can act like we are an eternal family. I don't need a special sealing or blessing to be working towards honoring those covenants I will someday make. I love the "Rudnicki 6"!