Monday, August 26, 2013

Lost Tooth, Literally

So today Rylee lost her tooth at school which is what she's been waiting for on purpose.  She refused to pull it the night before at home because if they loose a tooth at school then they get to take the "Tooth Bag" home and fill out a special packet and share it with the class. She loves getting in front of the class so she yanked it at school. Now as you can see she has a helmet on and I've been riding bikes home with her every day from school. Mrs. Salcedo gave her a special necklace container to keep her tooth safe. On her bike ride home the necklace came lose and her tooth was lost.  She was so upset because she was worried that the tooth fairy would not come because their wouldn't be a tooth to leave under her pillow. So she wrote the tooth fairy a note instead. SO CUTE!  Of course the tooth fairy still came and left her a dollar as requested.