Thursday, April 21, 2011

True Meaning of Easter?

Senior Ramon: What is this?
Nacho: Leftovers. Enjoy.
Senior Ramon: There is no flavor. There are no spices. Where are the chips?
Nacho: Somebody stole them.
Senior Ramon: Did you not tell them that they were the Lord's chips?
Nacho: I was trying to!
Senior Ramon: You are useless Ignacio!
Elderly Monk: Silence brothers! This is the worst lunch I ever had.
Senior Ramon: Your only job is to cook. Do you not realize I have had diarrhea since Easters?
Nacho: Ok... Maybe I am not meant for these duties. Cooking duty. Dead guy duty. Maybe it's time for me to get a better duty!

Ok, NOT the true meaning of Easter. But this line from the movie Nacho Libre cracks me up every time without fail. Tonight we had Family Home Evening about the resurrection and what it means. I am so very grateful for Christ's sacrifice for us.
Brody's Toy Story eggs.Rylee's Princess eggs.Great job guys! They look beautiful!


Kelly Evanson said...

how fun! you guys went all out for easter activities!!