Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ward Christmas Breakfast

I love this season and the spirit that it brings to everyone. For some reason in our house the spirit gets lost because of work. Next year I hope we change all that. I'm glad we got to start off this month on the right foot. This morning we had a Ward Christmas breakfast. I made a breakfast casserole which was full of BACON, "because everything's better with bacon". After eating a Christmas program followed that included the Primary children singing "Picture A Christmas" and "He Sent His Son". Sometimes I wish I wasn't behind the piano so I could see Rylee singing her little heart out. She loves to sing and I love watching her in Primary. I am so grateful for my husband and wonderful children. I want to always be grateful and not take them for granted. This season I hope to take it slow and enjoy everything the Christmas stories, the lights, the smell of real Christmas trees and hot cider, and especially the music. I am so grateful that Jon got me the piano. I love having music in our home, especially the kind we create. Thanks lover and I hope we see more of you this coming year!I love this photograph by Mark Mabry. He does some beautiful touching pieces.