Thursday, December 30, 2010

Skiing at Squaw Valley

The last day we were there Tommy, Jon and I were able to go skiing at Squaw Valley. It was beautiful, clear and cold. Mine and Jon's toes froze. Next time we will heat up before we ski.It was nice to stop off for some lunch and warm up before getting back into it. I was so tired I could have taken a nap on the table. This whole time at the cabin either Taylee was waking up a bunch or Brody. The first night we were cold and the next two nights I think we got too hot because we had 2 space heaters blasting in our room. I think we all did great despite the lack of heat in the cabin.Tommy and I boarded and Jon two-planked.Thank you Mama again! We had a fabulous time!


Jon said...

I love all of your blog posts honey!