Monday, September 1, 2008

Potty Training

Did I mention that potty training can be so darn messy. I started Labor Day because Jon was at work and he specifically said he didn't want to be around for the messes that were going to happen. Let's just say it has been an adventure...a messy adventure. She is getting better and better each and every day. If any of you out there decide on potty training your children just keep this in mind, "are YOU (the parent) ready for potty training?". Kids can do it...but can you handle what's in store for you? Rylee is doing great and pretty much getting the hang of it. GREAT JOB RYLEE!!! We are so proud of you!


Anonymous said...

Kim and Jon,
I always love checking out your blog and all that you do. It is so refreshing to know people who value the important things in life! Hope you are doing well and to see you soon!
(PS Chris's bruises from paintballs are fading... time for the boys to go again!)

Leah said...

good luck and congratulations...this has to be one of the hardest things for me as a mom...I'm waiting for the next one to potty train herself, but then I get too impatient and just start..we may be on this path very soon. Madelyn turns two in october!!!!

Michelle said...

Hey Cuz!!!! How the heck are you doing?! I just saw your comment and so I immediately had to come see what you guys have been up to... gotta love our Brody's... How is your mom? I sure miss all you guys... I saw your dad a few weeks ago - he was in town and stayed with my mom for a couple of days - it was good to catch up and hear about all of you guys. Anyways we don't have to catch up via blog comment boxes :-) here is my e-mail address