Saturday, July 27, 2013

Road Trip Part 5

So after LasVegas we spent the night in a hotel and did laundry which was much needed and woke up early for LegoLand! The kids were so EXCITED for this! They had no idea because we surprised them on the way! I can say I'd really never go back and that once was enough for me, but I'm sure we'll make it back again sometime this lifetime. The kids rode rides, saw a silly fire fighter show, played with legos, saw lego mini land (which is the coolest thing there, many cities recreated in legos), saw the new Lego Chima video, rock climbed, raced cars and ate lego food. It was really interesting to see the heads of famous people built out of legos and life size depictions of other Star Wars characters and people totally made out of legos.  I can't remember the number but they even built a life size model of a Jedi's air craft. I think it was in the trillions or something. Talk about detail! At the end of the day we drove down to San Diego and stayed the night in the host hotel for the Fire Fighter Olympics.