Monday, July 22, 2013

Road Trip Part 1

Today we embarked on a 2 week road trip going from a hike and a wedding in the northern part of Utah, down south to Zion's National Park, to Carlsbad for LegoLand, to San Diego for the Fire Fighter Olympics and then home for a night then to Tahoe for a mini reunion with my family. By the end we were glad to be home, but all in all had an amazing time.  I will break this up by the events we did.  

First we had to document the drive to UT; 12 hours of fun!  Actually the kids do have fun with tracking our progress on their personal maps, coloring, dot to dots, bubble gum blowing contests with Bubble Yum Gum, Battleship game, riddles and jokes, movies, word searches, story time with books, and naps.  Jon on the other had an amazing time with his earbuds they formed a bond that was almost unbreakable. My sister Brittany was kind enough to allow us to stay at her house while they were out of town so lodging was FREE!  Thank you! The first day their we visited Mt. Timpanogas and hiked it to the top.  We were sad we had to miss the cave tour, but we need to do it next time.  Rylee and Brody hiked the whole thing with minimal complaints and Jon and I took turns carrying Taylee and Britlee to the top.  Neither one of them walked but a couple steps.  The drop off is very severe we didn't want any deaths on our trip so we kept those little ones close.  Talk about a WORKOUT plus the elevation change made us huff and puff. HOLY COW! Jon, Rylee, Brody and I were hurting the next day.  Everyone complained about their glutes being sore. We also found Dickies BBQ which is now a new family favorite for us. Come to find out there is one in Folsom not to far away from our house! SWEET!