Thursday, June 2, 2011


Can I say, ATHLETE!!! Brody just finished a T-ball camp which was 4 weeks long with one 50 minute practice per week. Jon was his parent helper and did a great job. They both enjoying doing something together. Brody was so awesome! He learned how to run, warm up, hit the balls off the T like a champ, learned the names of the bases and in which order, how to "alligator catch" and throw the ball into a target. The girls and I had so much watching them out there. The last practice they had a little practice game. Brody is also a good listener despite is clowning around. Brody loves teasing Jon and it's so fun to watch Jon's face laugh. Brody is very silly and makes us all laugh so easily! Great job Brody Man we are very proud of you!!!!