Saturday, March 12, 2011

San Francisco

Rylee has been asking if it is windy enough to fly kites and finally it was. We took another family day to picnic at a park and fly kites. Jon found us a beautiful long patch of green grass right in front of the Bay. The weather was perfect and the both of them were able to do it all by themselves, which made them very proud. For Brody's birthday Rylee picked out the pirate ship kite and for Rylee's birthday, Rylee picked out the Tinkerbell kite.Muscle man!!!I love this picture of the boys. I want to always remember this look of pure enjoyment on their faces.Lovin' the crazy kids!The kids were mesmerized with a man at the park that was flying a very large kite. It was about 8 kites hooked together. He was amazing! He had such control and was teasing the kids by almost touching them, but then flying right over their heads.Tackle!They both were wasted from all the running around. Here they are falling sleep in the car. That has to be so uncomfortable, but I guess if you're tired enough then you can sleep anywhere.