Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Discovery Museum

Today Jon got home from a long 4 days (96 hours straight) at work and we are blessed to have him by our sides once again. It's hard for me to ever feel complete when my other half is away. Life is so much better when he is home...though at times I swear the kids act like a band of wild animals when he is home. I guess it is there primal way of expressing their excitement when the ring leader arrives. Seriously, they just don't do that when you are at work. Usually Tuesdays is Rylee's "dance day". I asked her if she wouldn't mind skipping it today so we could go do something fun together as a family. She said, "Of course". She is so sweet and loving. We decided to go to the Discovery Museum in Sacramento. We had a great time. Outside they had a human sundial that was...well, correct. You stand on the month and where your shadow points is the time. I guess time just stands still when it's overcast, since there would be no shadows to be found. Upon entering we learned about whale bones, bugs, animals, outer space and physics.See Rylee standing on March and her shadow is pointing to 1:00p.My cutie sweet little baby Taylee. Lately she's been mostly on my back pulling my hair while sitting in the backpack no matter where we are; at home or out at play. I wonder if she forgets what I look like since she is always staring at the back of my head?This was so funny for Jon and I. This picture reminded us of Dark Helmet in the movie Space Balls. The helmet is oversized for his little head and he talks with his hilarious Darth Vader voice. Brody looked just like him in this plastic space helmet for kids with this rocket booster jet pack on his back. He did not want to take it off.Here Rylee is looking through different prisms learning about light refraction. She loved seeing the different patterns of rainbows that different prisms made.This is how the astronauts sleep in space. Since there is no gravity they have to be strapped to the walls in an upright position. They are pretending to be sleeping.Thermal energy with their handprints.Rylee and Brody loved all the different things they could touch and learn about. Lately when I explain things to Rylee she asks, "How do you know that?". Some day she will find out that I don't know everything and that we are all still learning. It was fun for me to just watch the kids take their time and explore. Not feeling rushed is a great feeling since most of our life is rushing. I need slow it down and enjoy the little things. Life is going so fast and it partly makes me feel sad that I am missing things that are right in front of my face. I love our little family with all my heart. Somedays I'd like to quit everything and just be with the ones that I love.