Sunday, March 27, 2011

Rylee's Testimony

As you know we are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. The first sunday of every month is fast and testimony meeting during sacrament meeting. On this day we fast as they did in times of old to help us draw closer to the Spirit and to seek special blessings from Him through prayer. During this meeting anyone can get up to the pulpit and declare the truths they believe in to everyone by the power of the Holy Ghost.

About two months ago it was fast and testimony meeting and people were going up as usual when Brody leans into me and asks me, "Are you going to go up there and get your text message?". I thought I was going to die laughing right there in church before I even got a chance to explain to him. So I said, "Yes, I will go up there and bear my testimony". It was nice to get up there and reflect on my testimony, how I gained my testimony, and how it is still growing. When I was younger I thought that a testimony was a finite point you reach. Now that I am older and understand things better a testimony is always growing if nourished. It truly does starts with a seed. A tree never stops growing unless it's not taken care of and nourished with the proper things it needs to grow...just like our testimonies. It's been wonderful to see the seeds that have been planted in our family and watch them grow.

About two weeks ago Rylee said, "I want to write a talk so I can say it in sacrament meeting like you Mom". So we sat down and I went through the basics - I'd like to bear my testimony, I know this church is true...but before I could go any further, Jon suddenly jumped in and said, "Don't tell her to say that! It sounds like you are brainwashing her." I figured he was right. That was a fabricated testimony written by someone else. So I then explained what a testimony was "A testimony is usually defined as knowledge or assurance of a truth that a person declares by the convincing power of the Holy Ghost." So I asked Rylee how she felt about the church, what she thought of Jesus and Heavenly Father, and what she thought of our Prophet President Monson. This is what she came up with:

"I would like to bear my testimony. Rylee is my favorite child. I believe in Jesus and Heavenly Father. I believe I should choose the right. I believe that President Monson makes good choices. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."

Jon was much more pleased, as was I, with what she came up with. She could hardly wait to say what she wrote. I told her two more weeks and she will get her chance. So she waited patiently and the day came. During sacrament meeting she asked me to go up there with her and I told her that I'd love to, but that I was holding Taylee and she was having a rough time in church. I continued to tell her that if she asked Daddy I know he would go up there with her. So she did, and he accepted. She was thrilled. She finally got up enough courage to go sit in the stands with Jon, but I could see in her face that she was getting more and more nervous. I was thinking in my head, "What is she going to do? What is Jon going to do if she runs?". Lo and behold, she ran. She ran back to our pew and hid underneath it in embarrassment. I don't blame her, it's nerve racking to go up there and share a special part of yourself with others. So Jon got up there and said, "She tricked me". This was the first time he has gotten up in fast and testimony meeting. He explained what happened at home leading up to this point about the testimony and then read her testimony with tears streaming down his face. We were all touched. He then ended with his own testimony.

The thing that touched me the most about the testimony was the part about "Rylee is my favorite child". I asked her numerous times if she really wanted to put that in there, but she insisted. The take home lesson I learned from my daughter that day was that she is a daughter of God and that she knew she was special and that she loves herself. So many women out there have a hard time loving themselves because they are constantly comparing themselves to others, which makes them feel like they are never good enough. Not my Rylee. She loves herself and is proud of herself and her accomplishments, just as I am proud of her. We both are daughters of God with INFINITE worth. I love my family with all my heart and I am so grateful for the direction we are heading together.


The Brittons said...

So wonderful to catch up on your blog while Owen is napping. We love your family and all that you share with us. What a special experience for you all, even if Rylee "tricked" Jon!

jonna said...

what a sweet daughter...and wise husband...her testimony was touching- and all hers! you are good parents!

Kelly Evanson said...

how neat that i just read this post and i loved it. we just had an FHE lesson last night on testimonies. i love all of your updates and really enjoy reading your blog!! you do an awesome job at keeping everyone up to date.