Monday, July 30, 2012

Santa Cruz

So we had a plan to go on a family vacation to Santa Cruz to see the beach at least once this summer. But do things ever go as we plan? The night before we are to leave I hear Taylee wake up crying (what's new) and I go running in so not to wake Jon. This was his first night sleep home from work. As I'm running, I round the corner I hit my right 4th toe on the casing around the door of the kids bathroom. SNAP! I thought to myself, "Crap. That really hurt." Despite the pain I got Taylee to the bathroom and situated back into bed, but then realized it was really hard to walk on my right foot. The more I tried, the more it hurt. So then I hopped back to our bedroom hoping not to wake up the kids, but my loud hopping wakes Jon up and he's NOT HAPPY at all. "Interrupt his beauty sleep?, How dare I?". I told him that he needed to look at my foot because it really hurt. Sure enough he flicked on the light and my toe was sticking out at a 45 degree angle to the right. Now I said, "CRAP!". This can't be happening. It appeared displaced so Jon yanked on the toe to try to put it back into place 3 times. SERIOUSLY OUCH!!! It didn't look any better. So Jon got me ice and taped the toes together to splint it. Then he fed me a banana and ibuprofen. Perfect athletes meal. What a good nurse he was...though he was still irritated that I was running in the pitch black and ended up getting hurt interrupting his sleep. He's tired and I don't blame him. By the way, Taylee got up again 2 more times and Jon put her back to bed. So much for catching up on some much needed sleep. Plus the poor guy is not used to getting up with the kids in the middle of the night. Oops! So then morning came and I'm dead tired and in pain. I stay in bed for an extra 2 hours, but it doesn't matter, life still goes on. I got up and then packed up everyone and off we went. Nothing was going to stop us. The beach was nice and the boardwalk was fun! I forget how relaxing the beach is because it occupies the kids all day long. At the boardwalk Brody had great aim. He hit the milk bottles down and won a stuffed animal! He was trilled. He didn't even want to ride on the rides. He wanted GAMES. Geez, if it wasn't so expensive! Brody and Rylee filled the balloons with water and also got a prize. Old school gamers, here they come! Much family time was needed. Next time I hope we won't be so cranky.