Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Oh strep how I loathe thee,
Get away from my kiddies.
You've ruined my days,
In so many ways.
Kids are getting all ill.
Rylee's poor body kills.
Throat bloody and swollen,
Body aches and beckons
"Antibiotics godspeed!"
Throat culture she needs.
Brody's leg has a rash,
And it came in a flash!
"Antibiotics godspeed!"
Results, what I need!
"Medicine's here!"
I scream with a cheer!
24 hours is all it takes,
Feeling better, finally no aches.

Seriously! Two years ago Jon, Rylee and Brody got it. This time it was just the kids and my guess is that Taylee had it first, then passed it to Rylee, then on to Brody. Poor Rylee had it the worst. But antibiotics saved her throat, Brody's leg, and my sanity. I had to take a picture of Brody's rash because I thought it was so cool. It started off looking like an allergic reaction rash but then got pustules. The weird thing was, is that it stayed in one place and did not spread to his whole body. I tried to keep him and the rash contained as much as possible. Once he got antibiotics it all went away. Tons and tons and tons of loads of laundry were done during this time. Thank you for modern technology for a washing machine. I can't imagine how the pioneers did it all by hand. I'd never let my kids change their close if I lived back then!!! Just kidding, that's really gross, ewww.