Sunday, March 28, 2010

Crossfit - NorCal Sectionals (Day 2)

After that ice bath Jon was ready...ready for anything. Crossfit trains you for the unknown and unknowable so the officiators kept WOD #3 a secret. The competitors were given the workout the day of. To me that would be nerve racking but for Jon he was calm as a "Summer's Morn". I think the ice just went to his head.
WOD #3
6 minutes to achieve 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk then immediately start the chipper:
- 25 Burpees
- 100 yard Walking Lunges

5 Rounds of:
- 15 Shoulder to Overhead (40#)
- 100 yard Farmer's Walk (40#)

- 25 Burpees
- 500m Row
- 450m Run

Clean & Jerk - 255#
Total time - 20:24

CLEAN!!FULL SQUAT!UP!JERK!Now time for the chipper with BURPEES!WALKING LUNGES!SHOULDER...TO OVERHEAD!FARMER'S WALK!...Seriously? If you have time to smile for the camera, are you really working hard enough?I guess this face says it all, "YES THIS SUCKS...Now ROW, ROW, ROW your boat..."!RUN! Hey who's that hot guy? Oh ya, MY husband!Great job Jon! Rylee cried for you during your WOD because she wanted to be with you. Sweet thing.Thank you to everyone who came out to support Jon. It meant a lot to him!!!He worked so hard and did great! Jon missed making it to Regionals by 5 spots. That is surely an accomplishment because they only took the top 20 men out of over 300. SO PROUD OF YOU LOVER!


Fisher Family said...

I love that picture of him smiling at the camera!