Monday, February 11, 2008

First day home.

Rylee just loves her new little brother. She used to call him "Bre-doe", but by the time he was born she got his name right. She loves to kiss and squeeze him to death...all the time!!! Here is Brody's first stroller ride. He loves the jiggliness just like Rylee. These two are quite similar. They prefer to be awake over sleeping.


The Brittons said...

You are such a stud! Chris told me your delivery story, and I am so glad that it was short for you! You guys are troopers, we figured we would lay low and call in a week or so, and you guys called us just a few days later. You are awesome! He is gorgeous!

Kristalyn said...

THat's so awesome that Riley is doing so well with the new one...hopefully Mason does the same! Right now I know that he has no idea what he is in for. I can't wait to see more pictures!