Saturday, February 9, 2008

Brody is here!!!!

Brody Nick Rudnicki is here!!! He was born at 11:11pm on 2/9/08. He was 7 lbs 4.4 oz and was 20" long. It was a speedy labor and delivery a total of 2 time for drugs!!! We almost didn't make it to the hospital, because where I delivered is 35 minutes from my house. Right when we got out of the car, my water broke and he was born 5 minutes after that. The doctor was nowhere to be found and the Charge Nurse delivered Brody. Good job Charge Nurse.This was a far cry from the 23 hour labor with Rylee...with her, once I got the epidural, I got to sleep until I was told to push. Two pushes and a grunt later, she was born. Almost anticlimactic. With Brody I told Jon to bring dental floss and scissors for the ride there, just in case Jon needed to deliver another baby. Jon recounts saying that I appeared to be in the same pain as I was with Rylee so he decided not to speed to the hospital but to go the speed limit. I, of course, was checking up on his speed but didn't have enough time in between contractions to YELL at him to go faster. Jon was just glad to leave it up to the nurses so he could just be Dad for the evening. Brody is completely perfect and healthy in every way. We are so very grateful everything went smooth. We feel so blessed to have the new addition!!!


Kristalyn said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I can't believe that you had him so quick! Good for you for doing it all natural! You look great and Brody is so cute! I hope we get to meet him someday!

Annalyn said...

Kim - congrats!! He is so darling, and your family is just beautiful! Hope you are well and adjusting to life with 2 kids!!! Sounds like Rylee is like my Annalyn - loves to kiss and hug the babies...kind of scary sometimes!!

Jessica said...

I am glad that I found you! Congrats on the cute baby Brody! Really cute name too! What a cutelittle family you have! Isn't it amazing what a few years will do! Well, congrats again!

Lindsay said...

You guys all look great! I can't believe how cute you look in the family photo after JUST having Brody! I hope I look that cute :) Congrats!