Jon and I just recently put up a swing for Rylee on our over hang above the driveway. She loves it. As you can see this day was especially COLD!!! Burh, is all we had to say in between the WEEE!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Rylee loves her Brody!
Rylee loves to smother Brody with hugs and kisses! If I'm not too careful, she would smother him to death...literally. She thinks that when a baby is sleeping, the blanket goes over their face. She also likes to lay on Brody instead of next to him, so she can see him better.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Camera Fun!
Jon was attempting to take some first "good" pictures of Brody. Rylee couldn't help herself, she had to be in the picture TOO! They are too cute together. She just wants to love on him all the time.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
First Day at Church
This is our first day back to church and Brody is just 8 days old! What a blessing it is to have this church and gospel in our lives. It helps remind us each week to keep the proper perspective of family first and to live a modest lifestyle. We have been eternally blessed by being able to have a family of our own. Thanks Heavenly Father.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
RV Show
Grandparent's Visit
Since Grandpa Nick was unable to make it to the hospital due to a cold/flu bug he had, he and Grandma Kathy decided to come up that next weekend to visit their newest grandchild.
Here is Jon experimenting again with his camera. Not too bad, Jon!
Rylee had such a blast with gifts and attention. She can never get enough.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day
Today Rylee, Brody and I went over to Aly's house for a Valentine's Day Luncheon. The kids got to frost some cookies and play with all of Addie's fun toys.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Brody's Folow Up
As some of you know, Brody was born with a bulging frontal fontanelle. It worried the MD's because of the chance it could be a bleed or hydrocephalus. They ended up doing an ultrasound the last day we were in the hospital. Luckily the results showed trama from a fast delivery which is ok and usually located on the back of their heads, which is why they wanted to make sure everything was ok. WOW run on sentence! This is Rylee waiting in the MD's office for Brody's follow up from the delivery. Like I said, I think the medical thing runs in the family!!!! She loves to get her blood pressure taken and look into your ears and eyes!!!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
First day home.
Rylee just loves her new little brother. She used to call him "Bre-doe", but by the time he was born she got his name right. She loves to kiss and squeeze him to death...all the time!!! Here is Brody's first stroller ride. He loves the jiggliness just like Rylee. These two are quite similar. They prefer to be awake over sleeping.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Brody is here!!!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Last appointment!!!
Here is the last doctors appointment before Brody was born. Rylee was listening for Brody's heartbeat, of course she heard nothing. Rylee just cracks us up!! She wants to do whatever the medical staff does. She was always so very interested at every appointment and always wanted her blood pressure taken. This picture is a bit pixilated because it was taken with Jon's camera on his cell phone. Gotta love her!!!