We started off the celebration by going to a Trunk or Treat with our ward the weekend previous. There was a chili and cornbread cook off!!! I brought cornbread, which was fabulous I might add!!! I didn't end up winning because they only did prizes for the chili, bummer. So I got Rylee all dolled up with make-up and glitter, the works!!! She loved puting on make-up especially the lipstick!!!! Such a girl. She was a pink fairy for the evening. After eating all the various chili's and cornbreads, the kids played games and then as it got dark, the adults opened the back of their decorated trunks and handed out candy to all the passer-bys.
On Halloween, we went to a 1st birthday party for Addie!!! All the kids dressed up in their costumes and looked so cute!!!

Rylee had a great time with all the other kids...watching them eat the cake. She suprising was not interested in eating the cake at all.

After a long afternoon nap, Rylee was ready for the night. Again she got all dolled up with pigtails, bows, glitter, wand, make-up and costume!!! She looked so cute in person. She didn't mind the outfit except for the fact that it was a little itchy.

Here I am getting more and more pregnant. Moving around isn't as easy as it used to be!!!

She loved going from house to house to see what she could fill her bucket up with. She refused to let either Jon or I hold her bucket full of candy because she thought she'd never get it back...despite the fact she could bearly lift the thing.

Here she is pictured with her heavy bucket of candy. Proud halloweener!!!!!

Some people were not home and just left out a bucket of candy for the kids to take. Rylee didn't want to listen when we said, "Take just one". She interpreted it to mean a couple handfuls.

Since it was getting cold and late, we decided to venture back home and inventory her candy. We let her have 2 pieces. She chose a butterfinger and a sucker. She loved the butterfinger better. The next day I took her remaining candy to work. She never knew and still hasn't asked for it. Thank heavens!!!!

Awww...Rylee looks so adorable in her costume! You look really good, too! That was smart to just hide her candy...we kept Mason's out for a little while and he always wanted to be eating it!
Rylee looks beautiful...all girl I can see already! You look great too and I didnt know you were so fully pregnant...when are you due? What are you having? I"ll let you know what our plans are for christmas in Modesto so we can maybe attempt a hook up or something
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