Sunday, April 29, 2007

Brian's Birthday Party

Today Jon, Brian, Maurico and Dave all went golfing at Bass Lake. They had a blast!!! They weren't even keeping score because apparently they were doing so terribly and having a ball all the way. Back at the house Kelly, Emma, Dawn, Rachel, Rylee and I had a good time too!! We talked about scrapbooking ideas and laughing at old pictures. We also made it outside in the hot weather so the little girls could play. By the way, they both hate the grass!!! Boy, are they growing up! The boys came back and we had dinner waiting for them. We ate in the backyard and it was not too hot and not too cold and then back inside for some cake!!!! Though we sang "Happy Birthday" really off key, there wasn't a frown in the whole place!


Anonymous said...

Holy crap Emma looks like Torres! I think Rylee is looking more and more like Jon too...

My mom sent me your blog link- hope you don't mind a little friendly voyeurism!