Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cole the Lizard

It's been pretty cold around here lately and we've seen multiple lizards on the patio, on rocks and in the garden trying to warm themselves up.  Brody has been begging for a pet.  But the pets he desires are bit pricey and hard to find.  For example he has asked for a whale, dolphin, cheetah, horse and 71 dogs.  Since I have little desire to have an animal at this time in my life, I told Brody that he could have a pet lizard if he could catch one in the garden.  Thanks to Jon's help he found this blue-bellied lizard.  Brody was so excited to have something of his own to take care of.  So we ventured to the pet store to buy it a cage and food AND learn a little something about how to take care of lizards from a store worker.  We got home and loved feeding it crickets until it became more of a hassle to take care of.  Taking care of the pet is part of enjoying it and he didn't really find joy in it because he couldn't really play with it and it just hid all the time.  After about 8 days he decided he didn't want it anymore and let it go in our garden.  So much for having a pet.  He still wants something from his original list because "he could at least play with it"...