Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving at Oma's with all the kids is always a blast!! The kids look forward to this every year!

This month was a little tough for us. I partly blame myself because each day I forgot to help everyone focus on things they were thankful for and I stopped waking early and reading from the good books. I had a hard time focusing on my blessings and I know I have many. I think I talked about it with the kids twice. Doesn't matter. The point is that it wasn't enough. I think when we forget all the things that we have been blessed with we start to loose sight of the important things and that draws us away from the Holy Ghost and being able to feel our Heavenly Father's love for us. We start to not recognize His hand in our lives and think that all that we have attained and gained is because of our own work. When that happens the little things start to seem overwhelming and everyone is more on edge with each other. Also the things that usually bring the most joy start to become annoying to us and our patience runs thinner and thinner. I don't like that feeling and I hope to set a better example for tomorrow and the next day and the next day etc. Our happiness starts with us and in our families. Time to get back to the things in life that bring me those long lasting eternal joyous feelings. I love my little family so much and need to start by showing my love for them more because I want them to know it NOW not when they are grown and out of the house; because that is too late. I need to hug them, sit next to them, put my arm around them, read them a book, talk with them not at them, snuggle more, play what they want to play, and go on mini dates with them. Time to start weeding out what is important and what is not so important. Let's focus on the eternal.