Monday, October 29, 2012

Britlee Baby

Britlee Pauline is most certainly an angel baby. She was born with a smile, eats with a smile, and sleeps with a smile...catch my drift? She loves life and greets everything and anybody with a smile. I hope this never ends. I just want to squeeze and kiss her all day long! Things you can do right now are:
- army crawl
- smile
- stand very erect in my arms
- smile
- eat blended up real food
- smile
- go to sleep by just laying you down (NO feeding to sleep! Can you believe it? I can't. I did not teach this...maybe she will self potty train one day...wouldn't that be nice.)
- smile
- babble
 - smile
- sit up
- loving the bath and splashing all around
- smile
- suck a pacifier like an addict
- smile
- sleeping all the through the night (Which started when you were 3 months old, no one else ever did that!...Yep, I'm convinced she will self potty train.)
- smile
- smile
- smile