Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Where is Thumbkin?

(Get your singing voice ready)
Where is Thumbkin?
Where is Thumbkin?Here I am!
Here I am!How are you today sir,
Bleeding lots, I thank you,Run away,
Run away.Today Jon and I had a nice little lunch date just the two of us and I decided I really wanted a mandolin food slicer so I could make some vegetable chips at home. So off to Bed Bath and Beyond we went. While preparing our dinner of shish kabobs, I decided to put this awesome tool to good use. I went to it slicing up a very long zucchini. I thought to myself this baby's long, I'll use the guard attachment when I get close. So I went on slicing and before I knew it I had cut off the pad of my thumb. Jon was outside working on the shed and I motioned to him to come inside. I immediately ran it under water before the pain really settled in. Luckily the hot paramedic was there to put on a pressure dressing. He found my thumb pad stuck to the underneath side of the blade. Unfortunately the next day my thumb stuck to the dressing and I had to peal off the dressing causing it to reopen, thus these AWESOME pictures were born. My favorite is the picture where you can see the blood coagulating in streams while numbing in the ice bath. Enjoy!


Fisher Family said...

okay that's really gross! I felt myself getting nautious! HOpe you're thumb's ok?

Janene Christensen said...

OMG... Kim!! Good thing you are pain resistant and have a good sense of humor :)! Take care of you...

Angie said...

Holy cow, Kim~! What an awesome job you did slicing off the side of your thumb!! Sorry, but I did get a chuckle out of your pictures - they're awesome! :)

The Skoobs said...

Okay...I almost threw-up when looking at those pics. I hope it grows back or whatever.....will it? Or are you just going to have a lop-sided thumb. That is CRAZY and NASTY!!!

garian said...


Kelly Evanson said...

oh my gosh!! are you ok? that looks painful! loved catching up on all your updates. your kids are darling. congrats on the new addition. i love the name taylee!! looks like you guys have had a fun summer. and how fun that your kids are learning how to snow ski. we went to utah the end of may and rich and i actually got to ski for a day. crazy but there was enough snow!! i love all your family adventures. camping with a 2 1/2 week old. you're brave!! anyway, i still do regular scrapbooking but i do use alot of digital stuff before i print the pictures. i get all my stuff from the free websites and then i use photoshop to edit everything and add the digital clipart!!

Aaron Poulton said...

I threw up a little bit in my mouth

Aaron Poulton said...

I threw up a little bit in my mouth