Sunday, May 3, 2009

Crossfit - #41?

Jon neglected to mention just how strong and great he did at the Crossfit Norcal Regional Qualifiers. I am so proud of him and all his hard work. Hopefully next year we both will be better prepared with more time under our belts. I love you Jon! You did GREAT...and I concur "NO LESS THAN BLESSED"!I have to document what we actually did so that when we are ancient we can look back on this with awe. In our region there were 52 women and 148 men who competed. There are no classes, just women vs. women and men vs. men. Here were Day 1's WOD. (WOD="Work Out Of The Day")

Saturday - Day 1
For Time
- 500 meter row
- 30 Burpees
- 10 shoulder to overhead (anyway i.e. push jerk, etc.) Men-165#/Women-95#
Jon - 8:17:87
Kim - 5:23:35
Max Reps in 10 minutes
- Muscle Ups (minimum Men-10/Women-4)
- ground to shoulder (anyway i.e. clean, etc.) (minimum Men-10/Women 4)
Jon - 43
Kim - 66The top 20 women and the top 40 men make it to day 2. I was 7th place after day 1 behind 7 people: a 2-way tie for 1st, a 3-way tie for 3rd, and 6th place. The scoring used is similar to that of Nascar. Jon and I silly and happy to have Day 1 WOD's behind us.
Sunday - Day 2

*For those who did not make it to day 2 got the chance to test out the course for fun in the morning before the top 40 and top 20 heats started. Jon tested it to give me the "ins and outs" of the course.

Final WOD
For Time
- 22 deadlifts @ men-315#/women-185#
- Farmers walk with men-45#/women-25# dumbbells to top of inner loop (hill) - 22 thrusters with men-45#/women-25# dumbbells at top of hill
- Farmers walk with men-45#/women-25# dumbbells to bottom of inner loop (hill)
- Run to pull-up bar and do 22 chest-to-bar pull-ups
- Run to top of outer loop (hill)
- 22 overhead squats @ men-95#/women-65# at top of hill
- Run to bottom of inner loop (hill)
Jon - 20:05
Kim - 16:56

Deadliftsfarmers walk with dumbells to thursters at top of hillfarmers walk back down hillchest to bar pullupsBy the way, the weather was horrible, pooring down rain. Though our fellow Crossfit Centurions were not there to cheer us on, Crossfit East Sacramento was kind enough to let us hang out with them.Thanks to Jessica, Max and Dan for being our cheerleaders!!