Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Poop in the pool

Sometimes we like to go to the pool in the evening time during the summer. Unfortunatly, that happens to be prime time when people go because it is still 95 degrees at 6:00pm. I love it with all the abundance of kids, but I hate that it happens more often then not...poop in the pool from the little kiddies. Here we are improvising because the pool was closed that evening. Rylee was sad, cried the whole way home because she didn't quite understand.

While Jon washed the car Rylee and I played in a tub of water with her water toys. Since it was hose water it was considerably colder than the pool at the club. Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...but fun!!!!


The Brittons said...

Poop in the pool is the worst. Brings back unfond memories....