Saturday, July 28, 2007

Blake's #1

We went to Livermore to watch Blake race BMX. He's such a fast kid!!! He did great and won 1st place multiple times!! Afterwards we hung out as a family and learned much about Mona Vie, a nutrition drink with lots of antioxidents. I'm not a big fan of the flavor. I think Grandpa Nick is sold on Mona Vie!!! We then watched Blake jump and do flips on the trampoline. Boy was it hot that day...then again, it's just like every other day!!!


The Skoobs said...

I will get the pictures from Dad's Party........I think Brittany has them on Costco...Oh..Maybe she can send them to you........

Anonymous said...

You don't like my Mona Vie?? I know- it kind of tastes like medicine!We are always glad when you guys can come over!!!