Friday, May 11, 2007

Amtrak's the BEST!

On Friday Rylee and I took a relaxing train ride on Amtrak from downtown Sacramento to Fremont. It took about 2.5 hours. It was so much fun!! We started off attempting to catch the Light Rail to the train station, but as we were buying our tickets the Light Rail - came opened the doors, let 3 people on, shut the doors and left. Nothing like BART!!! BART waits a few minutes before leaving...not the Light Rail. You snooze, you loose. I was a little bummed, but thanks to Christy we still made it to the Amtrak train station on time. After we got dropped off and picked up our ticket, I was able to watch Rylee chase the birds around the inside of the station. She was laughing and squeaking so loud!! She loved it! We then boarded the train and sat on the second level so we could watch all the out of doors and airplanes go by. Reminder, PB&J sandwiches are messy!!!! Rylee was able to stand up and balance so well on a moving train. I'm so impressed!!! Each day she amazes us with such talent!!! Grandpa Little, Dan, Jessica and Brittany met us at the Fremont end of the train and then we all went out to lunch!!! Elephant Bar's the best, thanks dad!!! If you haven't tried the train, I highly recommend it's cheap and clean.